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Caves, Shrooms & Crystals

Project Length: 4 weeks

My Position: UI, Character & Shader Programming

Engine: Unreal Engine 5

Genre: First person Shooter, Roguelike

Platform: PC

Team Size: 12 


Caves, Shrooms & Crystals is a First person Shooter, Roguelike made in Unreal Engine 5 and C++ for game project 4 at Futuregames.



In this game the player has the normal player movement but our player can also dash and double jump(if you have the upgrade).


the dash works by it gets the direction of the walk inputs and launches the player in that direction


double jump uses the launch player node to launch the player upwards, can only be done equal to the amount of jumps you can do


the weapon in our game is a sepret blueprint from the player so it uses a component on the gun that the player uses to tell the gun what the camera forward vector is and when to shoot.


the weapon uses a line trace from the forward vector of the camera to a point further away to get were the player is aiming and then spawns a bullet that is rotated towards the aimpoint and then moves forward


in the gameplay settings you can change camera sensitivity, if you can head bob, and camera tilting.


the camera sensitivity uses a slider to control a variable inside the player that changes how fast the camera moves when locking around.


the head bobbing and the camera tilting settings each controls a bool that tells the player if they can tilt the camera or head bob

Screenshot 2024-11-01 152337.png

the graphics settings can set the screen mode between borderless and window mode, the graphical fidelity and the resolution of the window.


the graphical fidelity and the resolution settings both use a drop down box were you can chose what graphical fidelity or resolution you want and then sets it by using the game user settings


the screen mode setting uses a check pox to switch between borderless and window mode and sets is using the game user settings

Screenshot 2024-11-01 162930.png

the Audio settings uses two sliders one for Music and one for Sound Effects. in this game we used Fmod for the music and meta sounds for the sound effects.


when the music sliders value change i uses a function in the game instance to sett the volume of all Fmod sound to the value of the slider.


the sound effects slider uses the audio mixer to change the volume of all sound connected to the SFX Audio class to the sliders value.

Screenshot 2024-11-02 114721.png
Screenshot 2024-11-02 115802.png

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the shaders that I made for this game were for the effects for the different damage effects the player can get like Ice, Electricity, poison and when the player gets damaged by attacks.




I also made the shader for the round progress bar used to visualise the cooldown off the dash and the abilitys cooldown and duration it is also used to visualise the reload time and when the player can shoot.

In this Project I was responsible for the Character, shaders and Menu UI. We Used Perforce and Git as source control, Miro for prototyping, Jira for project Management.  



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