Cosmic Repair Duo
Project Length: 7 weeks
My Position: UI Programmer, Gameplay Programmer
Engine: Unreal Engine 5
Genre: Local Co-op, Puzzle Game
Platform: PC
Cosmic Repair Duo is a Cozy Local Co-op, Puzzle Game made in Unreal Engine 5 and C++ for GP3 at Future games
Team Size: 13
In this Project I was responsible for the Menu UI, Elevators and the Objective Managers . We Used Perforce as source control, Miro for prototyping, Jira for project Management.
Audio Settings

The Audio Settings uses 3 sliders each connected to a audio class that is connected to the audio mixer that controls the volume for all sound that is connected to any of the audio classes.
the values of all the sliders is saved in the game instance so the sliders are the same when changing scene.

The Video settings uses the Game User Settings to get supported resolution settings for you screen and ads them to a list and sets the text to the current selected resolution.
when you press the buttons you will go up or down the list of resolutions and the text will update to show what resolution is selected and clicking Apply sets the resolutions of your screen.
when the player interacts with the elevator a serten number of times the elevator move up a TimeLine as an alpha to leap the elevators position between its origin point and the point were it is suppose to go to.
when the elevator reaches the top it it will go back down after a serten amount of time.
Objective Managers
the objective managers are used game knows when the player has done all the objectives in the game.
the Objective Managers uses a list of puzzle managers that will call a function in the objective manager that tells the manager that a puzzle is dune.
when all the puzzles connected to objective manager is done the manager will send to the game instance that that objective is done and when all objectives are done you win the game.