Position: Gameplay, sound programming
Genre: 3D Platformer
Platform: PC
Team Size: 14
Jim N’ Jam Sewer Escape
Project Length: 3 Weeks
Engine: Unity
Jim N’ Jam is a third person 3D narrative-based platformer made in the unity game engine and C# for Game Project 1 at future games.
In this Project I was responsible for the Check Point System and Volume Settings. We Used Perforce as source control, Miro for prototyping, Jira for project Management.
Check Point System
the checkpoint system used invisible boxes as the checkpoints and when the player touch a checkpoint it would save the checkpoints position and the position of the water. when the player feel into the water the water level would go the the location stored in the checkpoint and the player will be teleported to that checkpoint

Volume Settings
​the volume settings uses 3 sliders each connected to a audio group inside the audio mixer that controls the volume of all sounds connected to the audio groups. The values of each slider is stored in PlayerPrefs so the settings are saved between sessions
Take Aways
​My takeaways from this Game project